V0.5 Update

Hello everyone we are back on track on the development of this awesome game!

There were a lot of design discussions about where this game was headed after having all those previous features. So we decided to reestructure the Game Design to focus on specific aspects around the dynamic combat system this game is focused to have.  

A new level was created to be more accurate to the visual idea the game is intended to have.

Also a new enemy was added.  This one and the previous one are working fine, but since the new level layout will have slopes the movement of these ones will need to be updated to work with them.

This new approach will let the game to be developed in a tighter way around the combat sytem. 

Here is a small video about our new enemy and how it will behave around the player.

Keep on following the development of this marvelous game.

See you all in our next update.  Every 2 weeks.

Cesar Canto

Get Project Smash

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